Eccox APT
Automates software testing
and resource provisioning

What is an Application for Parallel Testing?

APT (Application for Parallel Testing) is an innovative solution for managing, developing and securing data for applications in mainframe environments. It offers a unique set of technological tools to truly enable the DevOps methodology, providing automated resources and features that maximize efficiency, expand application testing capabilities, and improve the performance of critical systems.

Eccox solutions we offer

Application for Parallel Testing (APT) removes one of the biggest obstacles to z/OS mainframe software development within DevOps: integration testing and user acceptance testing. APT enables parallel testing on the mainframe, at a smaller scale and at a higher frequency than traditional waterfall testing.
With APT, users can create, execute, update and reuse past test cases, creating templates for future needs thus turning intensive efforts into valuable reusable assets through automation.

APT Features:

  1. Automated Test Environment Creation: Through cloning real components required for functional testing, such as load modules, DB2 tables, files, and JCL in the Mainframe environment.
  2. Complete Automation without Additional Support: Automatic creation of elements like DB2®, VSAM, and sequential files, both in batch and online (CICS® and IMS/DC®), on the Mainframe without requiring assistance from support teams.
  3. Efficient Test Management: By grouping components into test plans, allowing the creation of unique environments for each test scenario on the Mainframe, including elements like DB2®, VSAM, and sequential files in both batch and online (CICS® and IMS/DC®).
  4. Integrates Artificial Intelligence in Each Mainframe Container: This enables automated collection of isolated elements for multiple test scenarios, ensuring no conflicts and improving resource management efficiency. This functionality helps optimize tests and identify potential issues before they impact production.

Benefits of APT
Application for Parallel Testing

  • Improves agility in test cycle planning, provisioning, and environment execution by up to 22 times.
  • No infrastructure changes or new basic software licenses are required.
  • Improves Time to Market by 25%.
  • Increases efficiency in simultaneous functional testing with precision and integrity by 80%.
  • Reduces software development time by 50%.

ECCOX APT advantages

Powers true DevOps adoption
with automated tools and

Optimizes data development
and security in Mainframe

Offers a suite of tools for
superior application

Technological Alliance

With this cutting-edge technology, AZABAZ enables developers to create new and innovative solutions. At the same time, it accelerates project timelines and offers a unique value proposition in the digital transformation and modernization of Mainframe platforms.

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